Sprains and strains account for the vast majority of injuries in the workplace and we are no exception. So far in 2014 we have experienced four injuries, and every one has been a strain or a sprain. What can we do to minimize these injuries? A few basic rules to remember are:  Understand your limitations. Do not charge into a job cold. Warm up to it. Take a...
Posted: 1/24/2016 2:19:55 PM by Townsend Corporation

Cold weather is here and it is imperative that we take precaution and protect ourselves from the elements. Dressing appropriately can make all the difference in the world when working outside in cold weather. Dress in layers so you are able add or remove clothing as the temperature changes. Keep clothing dry and make sure to put on waterproof gear before...
Posted: 1/3/2016 2:29:55 PM by Townsend Corporation