Cold Weather Protection

Cold weather is here and it is imperative that we take precaution and protect ourselves from the elements. Dressing appropriately can make all the difference in the world when working outside in cold weather.

  • Dress in layers so you are able add or remove clothing as the temperature changes.
  • Keep clothing dry and make sure to put on waterproof gear before getting wet. Carry extra dry clothing, including gloves, liners and socks in case clothing gets wet. Some parts of the body need to be protected and are very vulnerable to the cold: hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, head, ears, face and nose.
  • Gloves and footwear should not fit too tightly, as this could cut off circulation.
  • While working in the cold, eat regular hot meals loaded with carbohydrates to provide fuel for your body to keep producing the heat you need. When working at home avoid alcoholic beverages - these bring down your body temperature, rather than increase it, contrary to popular belief.
  • Stay physically active. Take frequent breaks in a warm, dry place.
  • If you begin to experience any hypothermia symptoms such as drowsiness and excessive shivering, seek immediate medical attention. If this is not possible, seek shelter immediately. For frostbite, warm the affected area with body heat and lukewarm water. Do not cause worse damage by rubbing an affected area with hands or snow. If your skin tissue is frozen, do not thaw it if there is a chance it will be refrozen before you reach safety.
Posted: 1/3/2016 2:29:55 PM by Townsend Editor