Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains account for the vast majority of injuries in the workplace and we are no exception. So far in 2014 we have experienced four injuries, and every one has been a strain or a sprain.

What can we do to minimize these injuries? A few basic rules to remember are:

  1. Understand your limitations. Do not charge into a job cold. Warm up to it. Take a lesson from athletes and try to keep yourself in good condition and at your proper weight.
  2. Don't overextend yourself. Maintain proper body mechanics and use the proper tool in a proper manner.
  3. Lift with your legs, not with your back. Keep the load close. Don't twist your body while carrying a load.
  4. Pay attention to your surroundings. Be sure there are no slipping or tripping hazards in your work area. The sudden jerk caused by a slip or trip can cause a sprain or strain.
  5. Don't shy away from hard work because you fear a strain. Condition your body to do what is necessary.
  6. Look into ways to eliminate lifting and carrying or to keep it to a minimum. Is there a better way? Work smarter, not harder; it's easier and safer.
Posted: 1/24/2016 2:19:55 PM by Townsend Editor